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Paper Published

Sr.No Name Of Faculty Title Of Paper Name Of Journal ISBN/ISSN No. Impact Facture View Paper
1 Dr. A.S. Thoke The asthetic beauty of Aruna Dhere's poems Kavita - Rati ISSN 2278-9243 -
2 Dr. A.S. Thoke Anahat' is a philosophical poem Sadhana - -
3 Mr.Sujit M.Medhane Pranayama training To study the effect on cardiovascular fitness of school athletes International Journal of Advance and Applied Research (IJAAR) ISSN – 2347-7075 -
4 Dr. A.S. Thoke Threwshold continuously plays the game : a poem with a narrator Murali ISSN 2250-1649 -
5 Dr. A.S. Thoke A Poem that Expresses Pure Reflection: Awghe's Speech (Raju Desale) Kavita - Rati ISSN 2278-9243 -
6 Dr.Jadhav Nitin Sahebrao Ahivantgad Killyache Aitihasik Mahatv Vidyawarta International Multilingual Research Journal ISSN:2319-9318 -
7 Dr.Jadhav Nitin Sahebrao Indrai Killyacha Aitihasik Varsa Printing Area ISSN:2994-5303 -
8 Dr. Bhika Lala Jadhav Challenges before Human Resource Management in Global Context IJSDR ISSN: 2455-2631 -
9 Dr. A.S. Thoke The poetic beauty of Aruna Dhere's poems Kavita - Rati ISSN 2278-9243 -
10 Ms.Archana M.Takate The New Integral Transform "KUSHARE Transform" International Journal of Advances in Engineering & Management (IJAEM) ISSN 2395-5252 -
11 Dr. A.S. Thoke Women Sense and Perception : A Study -The New Practitioner's Review Akshar Wadmay ISSN 2229-4929 -
12 1.Sneha G. Nair 2.Vikram R. Jadhav 3.Rayate M. M 4.Bhagyashri A. More Antioxidant Activity of Leaf, Stem and Flower of Ixora coccinea Plants by Using Hydrogen Peroxide Scavenging Assays International Journal of Research and Review E-ISSN: 2349-9788 P-ISSN: 2454-2237 -
13 Dr. Bhika Lala Jadhav Impact of Covid-19 on Indian Economy at A Glance AJANTA ISSN 221'7 - 5730 -
14 1.Sneha G. Nair 2.Tushar S. More 3.Vikram R. Jadhav 4.Rayate M. M 5.Bhagyashri A. More A Procedure Employing For Redox Titration: Balancing The Redox Chemical Equation In Acidic or Basis Medium International Journal of Research and Review E-ISSN: 2349-9788; P-ISSN: 2454-2237 -
15 Ms. Bhagyashri A. More The Impact of lockdown on Various Sectors and its Benefits in India during the COVID-19 Era Tathapi ISSN 2320-0693 -
16 Dr. Arun S.Thoke Ravindra Lakhe's Poem :Content and Search of Nature Kavita Rati ISSN 2278-9243 -
17 1.Vikram R. Jadhavr 2.Sneha G. Nair 3. Rayate M.M 4.Bhagyashri A. More Mathematical Treatment to Understanding the Concentration Terms International Journal of Research and Review E-ISSN: 2349-9788 P-ISSN: 2454-2237 -
18 Dr. Bahekar Pratibha Analysis of Growth in Deposits and Advances of selected Banks in India Research Journey ISSN 2348-7143 -
19 Dr. Bhika Lala Jadhav PROSPECTVE ISSUES AND CHALLENGES OF RURAL MARKETING IN INDIA International Journal of Advance and Innovative Research E-ISSN : 23947780 -
20 Dr. Bhika Lala Jadhav IMPORTANCE OF EVETNT MANAGEMENT IN DEVELOPMENT OF TOIiRISM INDUSTRY International Journal of Advance and Innovative Research E-ISSN : 23947780 -
21 Dr. Bhika Lala Jadhav Skill Development As A Challenge in Higher Education in 21st Century AMIERJ ISSN 2278-5655 -
22 Ms.Anita Pawar Use of ICT in English Teaching & Learning Research Journey ISSN 2348-7143 -
23 Dr. Bhika Lala Jadhav Importance of Tourism in Development of Tribal Area' Wittr Reference to latvhar Taluka of Plaghar District Research Journey ISSN-2348-7143 -
24 1.Sneha G. Nair, 2.Vikram R. Jadhav 3.Satyam S. Bakare A Remedy against Dandruff Causing Malassezia furfur using Ixora coccinea: A Cost Effective Herbal Approach IJAPC e-ISSN 2350-0204 -
25 1.Vaibhavi P.Patil 2.Vikram R. Jadhav Estimation of calcium contents and its Bioaccessibility in Different Calcium Tablets IJAPC e-ISSN 2350-0204 -
26 Dr. Bhika Lala Jadhav Biodiversity Conservation and Management International journal of scientlfic Research in Sciencc and Technology ISSN-2395-6011 -
27 Dr. Bhika Lala Jadhav Issues and challenges in management education in India International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT) ISSN: 2320-2882 -
28 Dr. Bhika Lala Jadhav Impact of brand on consumer behavior Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR) ISSN-2349-5162 -
29 Dr. Bhika Lala Jadhav Impact of foreign direct investment on insurance industry in india Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR) ISSN-2349-5162 -
30 1.Tushar A. Kere, 2.Vikram R. Jadhav, 3.Suyog Soni Comparative Study of Wet Deposition at High Altitude Station International Journal for Innovative Research in Multidisciplinary Field ISSN: 2455.0620 -
31 1.Sneha G. Nair, 2.Vikram R. Jadhav 3.Satyam S. Bakare Ixora Coccinea:Study of Phytochemical Parameters & Antioxidant Activity IJIRSET ISSN(Online):2319-8753 ISSN(Print):2347-6710 -
32 Vikram R. Jadhavr 2.Sneha G. Nair 3. Rayate M.M 4.Bhagyashri A. More Thermodynamics proof for the Distribution Ratio Exist for Miscible Solvents IJIRR ISSN 2349-9141 -
33 Dr.Atul S. Gaware A Study on Agricultural Produce Marketing in India AJANTA ISSN 2277-5730 -
34 1.Sachin R. Kushare 2. D.P.Patil 3.Archana Madhukar Takate Comparison between laplace , sumudu and mahgoub transforms for solving system of first order first degree differential equations Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR) ISSN-2349-5162 -