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Grivence Redressal Cell

Sr.No. Name of Member Designation
1 Ms. M.B. More Coordinator
2 Mr. P.S.Patil Member
3 Mr.P.S.Kadale Member
4 Ms. S.S. Shahane Member
5 rutu Software Developer

A college's Grievance Redressal Cell (GRC) is a forum for students and other stakeholders to raise and resolve complaints.

The GRC's Objectives:
  • Strengthening relationships: The GRC aims to strengthen the bond between students and th institution.
  • Resolving grievances: The GRC aims to resolve grievances within a reasonable time
  • Maintaining a harmonious environment: The GRC aims to maintain a harmonious educationa atmosphere.
  • Encouraging students to express themselves: The GRC aims to encourage students to expres their grievances without fear of victimization.
Functions :
  • To make mechanism to prevent ragging as directed by UGC, university & Govt. of Maharashtra
  • To provide arrangement for receiving the grievances of the students and staff
  • To check the complaint box, look into the complaints lodged by the students
  • To accept written grievances from students and staff related to the system
  • To listen, record and scrutinize the grievances submitted to them by the Staff and Students an take necessary steps immediately.
  • Take appropriate action
  • To prepare action taken report and maintain register
  • To solve the problems related to ragging & grievances amicably
  • Take necessary actions against the defaulters
  • To forward the findings to the Management if necessary for further action
Procedure for lodging complaint:
  • Students can file grievances about academic and non-academic matters through online o grievance/suggestion boxes.