(०२५५०)२५७२९१,२५७३९१ [email protected]
Raghunath Hire guides students in NSS labor camp
Ajinkya Wagh appeals to students at the conclusion of a labor camp in Chatori
Awareness rally on the occasion of AIDS Day at Kakasaheb Nagar College-wanasgav
Dnyanoba Dhage's statement in the labor camp - Give time for the environment
Father of the Nation Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti celebration
Dr. Babasaheb Jayakar Udyanmala in college
HIV testing on the occasion of World Youth Fortnight
Marathi language book exhibition at Ranwad College
Prize giving ceremony at Ranwade College
5th sept. Teachers day
NSS Day celebration
Covid-19 Vaccination camp
26 Nov.Constitution Day
1 Dec. AIDS Day celebration